Application for Utility / Bill Assistance
As a trusted charitable organization founded in 2007, we provide assistance to the people who need it the most in the Salem Community High School area.
Need assistance?
Our Foundation provides assistance for our community for needs such as gas, electric, rent, moving expenses, medicine, dental, and transportation.
To get assistance, please read through the eligibility criteria, and then fill out and submit the Financial Request Application.
To apply,​
Click here for a pdf application (you will need to print and fill out this form, email or mail the completed form and required documentation)
If you don’t already have Acrobat Reader, download it here. Launch Reader and then open the PDF, or just double-click the file to open it directly in Reader.
How Do I Submit an Application?
You can submit completed applications and supporting documents (if applicable) via email or mail:
email to: salemilfoundation@gmail.com
mail to: GSAF PO Box 1314, Salem, Il 62881
Have questions or need assistance with the application?
Please contact us at salemilfoundation@gmail.com